Riverside Campus
Dental Assistant / RDA Eligible
Congratulations to Alexandra Gonzalez! Mrs. Kowalski would like to recognize Alexandra due to her demonstrated and promising growth in her dental skills and because she has proven to be a wonderful dental assistant and true team-player. Recently, Alexandra was offered a position for employment at her current intern office. Congratulations Alexandra!
Medical Assistant Bootcamp
Mr. O’Neil would like to recognize Ivy Cruz and Jihoon Lee.
Ivy has perfect attendance, turns in all work on time, has a great eye for detail and works very well with her peers. Ivy has a great attitude and will make a wonderful addition to any health care team.Jihoon has perfect attendance, turns in all work on time, takes time to help his colleagues, has a great attitude and currently has the highest GPA in the program. He will make a great addition to any health care team.
Pharmacy Technician
Mr. Alvarez would like to recognize Blanca Dakwar and Audreyann Fritz.
Blanca has the highest grade in the class due to her completing and finishing all of her assignments. She has also exceeded with completing all the necessary labs that were required within the time. Blanca has demonstrated to me that she is ready for the real world and is excited to be starting a new career in the pharmacy field.Audreyann is also one of the top students in the class. She has also demonstrated that she is ready for the real world. Audreyann also takes her time in answering students questions regarding the labs. She has sat down and taught students who were lacking certain skills and explained the process to them. Mr. Alvarez believes that she will be a great asset to any pharmacy she chooses to work for.
Indio Campus
Administrative Office Professional Boot Camp
Congratulations to our Administrative Office Professional Boot Camp students who were chosen by there instructor for the Month of April. Wendy R. and Noemi R. are already thriving and giving their all in the classroom; they have led this semester with a great amount of dedication! Congratulations to them both, keep up the positive momentum.
Medical Assistant Boot Camp
Our Medical Assistant Boot Camp instructor Mr. Rivera has picked Sula E. as the Student of the Month. Sula has shown commitment and enthusiasm since class has started. Way to be an example Sula!
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