Riverside Campus
Dental Assistant / RDA Eligible
Mrs. Kowalski would like to recognize Jennifer Olivares. Jennifer has proven her ability to work well with patients and her fellow classmates. She continues to improve her dental technique and has committed to growing in her skills as a dental assistant. Congratulations Jennifer!
Medical Assistant Bootcamp
Mr. O’Neil would like to recognize Sandra Hjelm and Veronica Carrillo
Sandra has perfect attendance and completes all assignment son time. She excels with clinical skills and always has a professional demeanor and appearance. Sandra works very well with her classmates. She will make an excellent addition to any healthcare team.
Veronica is creative, innovative and a natural leader. She has perfect attendance and completes all assignments on time. She excels with clinical skills and always maintains a professional appearance and demeanor. Veronica works well with her classmates, again demonstrating strong leadership skills. She will make an excellent addition to any healthcare team.
Indio Campus
Administrative Office Professional Bootcamp
Ms. Robles has chosen Summer Phillips as student of the month for AOP-BC at our Indio campus. Summer is dedicated, works hard to learn the necessary skills and adapts to changes when they happen. Keep leading by example Summer!
Dental Assistant/ RDA Eligible
Our RDA class in Indio has voted Gabriella Lopez to be recognized as Student of the Month! Gabriella always works hard and is helpful to her classmates in the Dental Lab. Congratulations Gabriella, your hard work does not go unnoticed.